Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Heroes: Season 2

Heroes: Season One was a phenomenon. Someone was making a show about superheroes, and they were doing it *smart*. We cared about the heroes. We shivered at the villains. We weren't sure where the plot was going, but we were along for the ride.

And then Season Two was inflicted upon us. "The writer's strike was going on... It wasn't *that* bad..."

Yes, yes it was. Bad on its own merits, but worse because it took the cockpit of one of the best shows on television and dumped fuel at 50,000 feet.

If all you come to "Heroes" for is some action and excitement and special effects, perhaps you found the season enjoyable, and I don't fault you for that. But if you're prone to ask yourself silly questions like "Why should two people who have been friends in the past and have the ability to freeze time (and thus literally all the time in the world to discuss and explain things) need to come to blows" or "How the devil would someone with the ability to regenerate know that doing 'x' would result in his permanent demise" or even "Why is this person doing these stupid and out-of-character things other than someone's desperate need for the plot to move in a particular direction"... This show will leave you, as a Season 1 veteran, *howling* in pain.

Watch one of our female leads devolve as a character and date a sociopath! Marvel as the writers decide killing people off is cleaner than resolving their issues! Thrill to the slow-moving travels of a blubbering, co-dependent cipher! Gawk at writing so shallow that you can practically read the outline through the script! Boggle at the notion that anyone has actually thought this through!

Or, don't.
No, really. Just don't. Spare yourself.
By : Warlock One

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