Monday, August 11, 2008

The Love Guru

Forget animated characters, Mike Myers is back in its original role since the first Austin Powers and it does not disappoint. The Love Guru is a thinly veiled tribute to Deepak Chopra, focusing on the travails of a guru who has to break a curse, meet a couple and get a hockey team to the Stanley Cup. This is not small order, but you can expect hilarious hi-Jinks to guarantee.

Mike Myers did not miss a step in this comedy which revolves around the star player of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Darren Roanoake, played to perfection by Romany Malco. Roanoke is the woman by far attracted by the star player of the LA Kings, Jacques Grand (Justin Timberlake) and is to love Guru to restore internal harmony Malco to get back on his art.

With a cast that includes Jessica Alba and Ben Kingsley, it is difficult to deceive. Myers wrote the original story with Graham Gordy and co-produced with Michael DeLuca. It was a difficult road for Myers since the success of Austin Powers, and even if it turned out excellent performances in animated flicks, that mark his return to play a human, the public waited with baited breath.

The principle behind the Guru Movie Love is not necessarily new, classic mesh water fish with a history Boy Meets Girl scenario, but Myers did it. His character, Pitka, is abandoned as a boy outside an ashram in India and is trained in the path of guru. Coming to America, he noted that awareness of self-help guru who directed the stars.

Known for his unorthodox techniques, Pitka was hired by the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs, Jane Bullard (Alba). The team was a victim of the curse Bullard for forty years and it seems as if it has struck again in the form of disharmony in marriage between Malco and his ex-wife. Timberlake is perfection in his role as a golden boy of the LA Kings woos the gap woman said.

Given Myers Chopra and love of hockey, it is certainly a project made in heaven for 45 years star. Known for mixing life and art, Myers Following its success in this film, after disappointing the public to turn the cat and playful. It is definitely in her element in this zany comedy featuring some of the best rising stars today. It is a smart career move for a Myers and that the public will undoubtedly adopt, as he holds himself in check.

The Love Guru is set for prime minister on June 20 in the USA. Expect a large deployment and a lot of coverage of the book Hollywood that Myers can make in public. Given the popularity of films Shrek and Myers, in general, most spectators film should be able to forgive Myers for his few mistakes and quite enjoy this fun and light comedy.

The Love Guru - Visit the official website of the film
From the author:

David works with Done DONE! SEO as a copy writer. You can reach him at DONE! SEO Services.

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